I am having a hard time figuring out how many article I should have written and posted by now. I started this new experiment on Tuesday, July 17. This means that I have been doing my experiment for the past 3 days. Here is what I should have done and what I really have done:
Articles I Should Have Posted: 30
Articles I Have Actually Posted: 2
Articles I Have Written But Not Posted: 10
Articles That Are Almost Done: 8
With that being said, I need to have 40 articles done by tomorrow night. I should get the 18 articles written and posted by lunchtime tomorrow. Then I will be behind by 20 articles. I think I will write and post 12 articles a day for the next 5 days instead of struggling to do the 10 extra articles all at once tomorrow. I think 12 articles a day is doable. I've written 10 and a half articles already today and am planning on writing another one and a half articles before I go to bed.
Now, back to work!