Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Daily Update 07/25

Today was all about motivation and distractions. Those are the two main reasons for failure in the internet world and I battled both of them today.


Distraction isn't just about real world distractions like phone calls, television or taking a nap instead of working. Distraction is also about other ways to make money online. Some people call it shiny object syndrome. I have been battling that since I started. In fact, this isn't the first experiment I started this month. I have another blog and I started an experiment related to my niche website. I got bored after a week, gave up and started this experiment. I'm not bored of this experiment or am planning on quitting but I've found other places to make money that I'm itching to try. For example, last week, I read an article about how Squidoo is a good place to get backlinks to your niche sites. I then remembered that I have two lenses on Squidoo that I made a year ago so I decided to check them out. They were both WIP (work in progress) and weren't published but it got me thinking about how much money you could make on Squidoo. I found the SquidU forum and started reading and got really into it. I found some people making thousands of dollars a month on Squidoo with less than 500 lenses. I would love to try to make some money with Squidoo as it looks like a lot of fun to make lenses and the lenses work better for the type of articles I'm doing on InfoBarrel. Today, someone on the InfoBarrel forum was asking about Squidoo and it made me want to completely abandon this experiment and switch over to Squidoo. I'm not going to do that because this experiment is specifically aimed at InfoBarrel (even the name of the blog has InfoBarrel in it). I am not going to give up on this experiment. I will write 1,000 articles and I will make $1,000 a month. After I reach $1,000 a month, I will switch over to Squidoo.


The second thing I had to deal with today was motivation. I woke up pretty late this morning - actually it was after noon. I did a bunch of chores around the house that I was neglecting, ate some lunch, put some stuff on eBay and when I sat down to write my InfoBarrel articles for today, I just had no motivation. I ended up writing one article and giving up. I hope I have more motivation tomorrow. I need to get these articles written. My parents are going to be out of town tomorrow night and all day Friday so I will have peace and quiet. I will get all of these articles written by Friday because I need to get them earning money. I want my own house and the only way I'm going to get that is by being successful online. I put a deferment (I think that's what it's called) on my student loans and if it's approved, I won't have to pay my student loans until December 7, which means I need to get these articles earning money by then. That's my motivation and I need to constantly tell myself what will happen if I don't write these articles. I also need to think about life would be like making $1,000 a month. It doesn't sound like a lot but that's enough to pay off my car, pay my student loans each month, pay back my parents and have something leftover each month to save. I can live on my own when I'm making $2500 a month which is my ultimate goal.

So that was my day today, battling motivation and distraction. I wrote 1 article. I didn't even post the draft on InfoBarrel. Tomorrow I will write 15 articles no matter what. All I will do tomorrow is write. I will set my alarm and get up early. I'm going to go to bed shortly and, hopefully, I can fall asleep right away so I won't be tired tomorrow. I will get the other 15 articles written on Friday.