This past weekend was very productive. I was able to create at least 10 forum back-links to each of my articles. I found a really easy way to find forums that allow links in the profile. I'll go over that in a later post. Next, I need to get 10 blog comment back-links. This is going to be tough because I don't want the comments to look like spam, otherwise they will get deleted. I also need to get all my sites bookmarked. I would like to get them all bookmarked on Xomba, Redgage, SheToldMe and 10-20 other social bookmarking sites. I still need to get an Ezine back-link to 8 of my articles.
I didn't realize that back-linking my articles would take up so much time. I'm having concerns and it's making me rethink my strategy. Sometimes I think that I should be cranking out the articles. I need lots of articles to make money but those articles won't make money unless they are ranking well. Info Barrel isn't like eHow - Info Barrel articles don't rank instantly and they need back-links to rank well. I got three clicks today for a total of $0.58 so that gives me hope that the back-linking strategy is working. I'm going to continue with the current strategy and I'll see where I am in three months.
I'm not going to be able to spend much time working on the experiment this week. I've got homework due every day. It's overwhelming but I'm going to try to do some Info Barrel work at night after I get done with homework. I want to be ready to write more articles next week. Anyways, I just wanted to give a little up date on my progress. If I don't post again for a while, it's probably because I'm drowning in homework.