...and I want you to follow along with me. I'm Alecia Gibson. Online, most people know me as Ally or AllyG47. I'm 26 years old and I know exactly what I want in life but I have never figured out how to do it. My goal is to live my life without worrying about money but, at the same time, not having to spend my life working for someone else. I've tried many different professions. I'm currently a freelance writer and I'm going back to school for Web Design and Development. I've decided that the two best ways to achieve my dream is to create a passive income writing and to start niche websites. I'm going to try to make $2,000 a month writing Info Barrel articles and I'm also going to attempt to make $1,000 with a niche website that I started in July. I hope to reach my goal by next June.
Why Info Barrel?
I choose Info Barrel for a few different reasons. I never used to like Info Barrel because I always felt the people that used Info Barrel were snobs. They would hijack threads in forums I visited and go on rants about how every site except Info Barrel sucked. I hated it. I decided on Info Barrel to make my $2,000/month because I've found that it's the easiest site for me to use . I've already posted some articles there and they went past the editors with no problems. I made $5 with Info Barrel last month with only 2 articles which is pretty good. I also found that not everyone that belongs to Info Barrel are snobs, only a few people and I can put up with them.
Why a blog?
I started this blog so I can keep track of how far I am from my goals. I also figured that it would be a good place to get back-links to my articles. I'm currently doing The Challenge with Ed Dale and I've learned that a back-link is a back-link whether it's no-follow or do-follow, PR0 or PR6. Of course, some back-links are better than others but the point is to get as many as you can (without spamming). I'm also going to start a Wordpress blog and the same information here will be posted there. I'll be posting monthly reports on how close I am to my goal. I'll probably write the post reports in an Info Barrel article and link to it from here but I'll also post some mid-monthly reports on this blog so keep an eye out for that.
What's the Plan?
The plan was going to be that I write 12 articles per day Monday through Friday but I've realized that I can't do that when I'm working full time, maintaining a niche site and going to college. I'm going to write 3 articles a day to start with and see if I can keep up. They key is to write something every day and to keep the momentum going. I will adjust my daily goal if I can't keep up. I'm also going to try to stop at every 10 articles and add a couple back-links to each article.
So there's my experiment laid out in front of you. As you can see, I've got a lot of work to do. I'll be adding more posts in the coming weeks discussing keyword research, proper SEO, getting back-links, optimizing the author's box and more. If you are interested in joining Info Barrel yourself, click here to join.