The Labor Day weekend was not productive at all. I had meant to get registered at all 300-some social bookmarking sites but I didn't register at a single site. On Friday, I spent all day doing homework. My graphic design classes have a crazy amount of homework and I'm barely keeping up. Saturday was spent shopping with my mom and a family barbecue and bonfire that night. Sunday was spent all day at my grandparents house. I had gotten a Wii when I was shopping with my mom on Saturday so I spent Sunday night playing video games. I was having trouble getting exercise so I figured that a Wii would at least get me off the couch. I ended up getting a sporting game with tennis, bowling, golf, basketball and other outdoor games. It's a fun way to get moving. Labor Day was spent doing more homework. My brother stopped by and, of course, wanted to try out the Wii. He already has a Wii and brought some games with him for me to try. I loved Super Mario Brothers. I'm glad I don't have it cause that could really suck up the time.
Even though I didn't do any work on my Info Barrel experiment, I have some good news about it. I got my preapproval e-mail! I had posted in the forums that I have ten articles posted and not an hour later I received the email. I have around 50 or so eHow articles that I removed in July that I want to get moved over but I was waiting until I was preapproved first. It will take some editing to get the articles to the correct formatting and I didn't want them to have to get approved each time I made an edit.
Today, I wrote two articles for EzineArticles for back-links to my oldest articles. I hope they get approved. I'm still not sure exactly what they want but I've seen some pretty bad articles on there. Mine should get approved with no problems. I'm planning on writing and publishing two Info Barrel articles tonight before I go to bed. I'm also going to try to write two other articles at the same time to use as back-links on EzineArticles. My plan for the week is to write 10 Info Barrel articles and to get all articles back-linked on EzineArticles. I made out a schedule for the week so I can get all my homework done by the due date and still have enough time to make money to pay bills, write Info Barrel articles and maintain my niche site.